Card Personalization
Almost everyone has heard of the term smart card, which encompasses banking cards, a couple of times. But the question is, are you aware of how “smart” smart cards really are?
Your 3.37 by 2.13 inches credit card might look very similar to that of the person sitting next to you. But in fact, this doesn’t hold up under closer inspection. Each card is unique and personalized to match your identity. Throughout the following article, we will explore what card personalization means and which options are currently available to personalize cards.
Card Personalization Is More Than Just Letters and Numbers Printed on a Card
When we refer to card personalization, we’re not talking about the design or artwork on the card. Instead, we’re referring to the process of differentiating a card from others and matching it to your identity. For the average person, card personalization can be observed in the form of graphical printing of variable information—including but not limited to cardholder name, unique card number, card expiration date, and 3-digit security code at the back. But is that all there is to card personalization? The answer to this is a resounding no. A cardholder might not realize that the chip contains specific card features, security keys, and cardholder information. And let’s not forget the magstripe, usually located at the back of the card, also encoded with the required tracking data. So, how do cards get personalized anyway? And what options do you have for card personalization?
Central Issuance | High-Volume Mass Production of Cards at a Central Location
Central issuance solutions are used when card personalization is done from a central location for the mass production of cards. The central location is equipped with industrialized card personalization machines and systems to carry out the service. Other than personalizing the card, personalizing fulfillment materials and packaging may also be done at the central location. Cards are dispatched from the central location and are either sent to the bank or straight to the end customer. The advantages of a central issuance solution include:
- High volume of card personalization
- Minimize or even eliminate investment in specialized equipment
- Rely on experts for card personalization to focus on the core business
Instant Issuance | Instant, On-Site Card Personalization and Issuance on Customer Demand
Another way of personalizing cards is through instant issuance. Taking a cue from its name, card personalization and issuance to the cardholder happen instantaneously. The solution is typically hosted at the bank’s headquarters while branches have desktop personalization equipment. Crucially, the bank is responsible for handling and maintaining both the IT infrastructure and equipment, keeping the entire personalization process in-house. This solution is suitable for:
- Low volume card personalization
- Decentralized personalization services, available through multiple branches
- Instant delivery of cards to the end customers
Managed Issuance
For an enhanced customer experience, more and more banks want to issue cards within seconds without the hassle of maintaining a technical team for full-scale card personalization. This is where a managed issuance solution comes in. Here, the solution provider oversees the entire process from a certified and secure location, with a personalization machine kept on the bank’s premises. Any request for card personalization is processed by the solution provider, sending the ready data to the personalization machine at the branch for card issuance. You should consider these points when opting for this solution:
- Low to medium-volume card personalization
- Decentralized personalization services, available through multiple branches
- Instant delivery of cards to the end customers
- No technical expertise is required, the process is outsourced to certified experts
Modular Service Kiosk (MSK)
Globally, the shift towards digitalizing bank branches is slowly gaining traction. In response to this looming threat and keeping with the pace in the digital age, traditional banks increasingly turn to automated service kiosks to offer personalized service on-demand. By using MSKs, end customers can easily choose when and where their cards will be issued. On top of that, these machines can be equipped to handle instant bank-related document printing, cash acceptance, cheque deposit, payments, and others. The privileges of this solution are:
- Self-service channel for card issuance and other branch services
- Branch services are not limited to banking hours and branch locations
- The solution also applies to digital banks and fintech
Whether you are a fintech or a traditional bank with physical branches, Toppan Gravity has card personalization solutions tailored to your needs. With Toppan Gravity, fintechs and banks can offer their customers secure personalization solutions that are easy to implement. As a card manufacturer with worldwide distribution, Toppan Gravity is certified by major payment schemes such as Visa, MasterCard and UnionPay International, among others. Thanks to personalization facilities located in the UAE, Indonesia, and Miami, Toppan Gravity provides prompt and reliable service worldwide to all its customers through its global network of offices and people.
Toppan Gravity is a subsidiary of Toppan Leefung, serving as the international development arm of the Toppan Group in the security domain. Being part of the most prestigious conglomerate in the industry with decades of experience and multiple well-known references, Toppan Gravity benefits from Toppan Printing’s strong market position and extensive expertise.
As a global solutions provider primarily focused on the payment and Identity industries, Toppan Gravity aims at developing the next generation of virtual and physical security documents. With the vision of becoming the forerunner in the secure ID and payment industry, the company focuses on driving synergies within the Toppan Group, through strategic acquisitions. Toppan Gravity empowers promising companies having state-of-the-art technology or businesses in emerging markets, including Asia, Africa, and Latin America to enhance their overall performance. Furthermore, the company enables its acquisitions to take advantage of the opportunities presented by its large, diversified group having numerous resources and extensive know-how.
For more information, visit www.africa.toppangravity.com | www.toppangravity.com or contact info@toppangravity.com.
Established in Tokyo in 1900, Toppan is a leading and diversified global provider committed to delivering sustainable, integrated solutions in fields including printing, communications, security, packaging, décor materials, electronics, and digital transformation. Toppan’s global team of more than 50,000 employees offers optimal solutions enabled by industry-leading expertise and technologies to address the diverse challenges of every business sector and society and contribute to the achievement of shared sustainability goals.
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