Transforming Democracy with E-voting Elections are a crucial process in a democratic society providing citizens with a powerful means to shape the future of their nation. As we stepped into the digital age, the 20th century witnessed a rapid revolution in computing technology, which has affected every aspect of our lives, including elections. With all [...]
Toppan Gravity Strengthens Latin American Foothold with Acquisition of Card Manufacturer Hogier Gartner Colombia, October 2023 – TOPPAN Gravity, a TOPPAN Company, and UAE-based global secure solutions provider, is pleased to announce its recent acquisition of Hogier Gartner & Cía. S.A.S., a prominent company in the card manufacturing industry based in Colombia. This strategic move[.....]
REVOLUTIONIZING THE WORLD OF PERSONALIZATION On a bright Monday morning, Mr. Hamilton arrived timely at the Department of Motor Vehicles. He was bestowed with queue ticket "82" and found his place in the waiting area, where time moved glacially. Finally, his number was called, and he approached the counter with anticipation. However, all the employee[.....]
Card Personalization Almost everyone has heard of the term smart card, which encompasses banking cards, a couple of times. But the question is, are you aware of how “smart” smart cards really are? Your 3.37 by 2.13 inches credit card might look very similar to that of the person sitting next to you. But in[.....]
TOPPAN FACETECH IS NOW TOPPAN GRAVITY Toppan Gravity, a leading solutions provider in the secure payment and identity industries and wholly-owned subsidiary of Toppan Leefung Group and Toppan Inc (Nikkei 225 – TYO: 7911) is pleased to announce the full acquisition of Toppan FaceTech (Pty) Ltd, an established IT systems integrator specialized in government biometric and[.....]